If you have any question about My Fave Quotes you will probably find the answer below in our FAQ section. If not, please get in touch and we’ll do our best to help.




Can I share your quotes or images?

Yes, please do. Also please include a link back to our website, this way we both benefit! You’re welcome to share images as long as they are complete and unedited. We use free images websites (such as pixabay.com) to find the beautiful images we use.



Storing Quotes

What is the favourite’s button?

You can use the favourite button on each quote’s page to store that quote in your account. Of course, you do need to sign up but it only takes a few seconds.




Do I need an account?

You don’t need an account to use My Fave Quotes. However, if you want to submit new quotes, receive email updates and be able to favourite quotes for later, then an account will enable you to do all of this and more!


Help! I’ve lost my password!

Don’t worry, either request a new password or click the lost password link on the login page. If you’re still having issues, please get in touch and we’ll be glad to help.